ast2ast - Translates an R Function to a C++ Function
Enable translation of a tiny subset of R to C++. The user has to define a R function which gets translated. For a full list of possible functions check the documentation. After translation an R function is returned which is a shallow wrapper around the C++ code. Alternatively an external pointer to the C++ function is returned to the user. The intention of the package is to generate fast functions which can be used as ode-system or during optimization.
Last updated 3 months ago
6.91 score 34 stars 2 dependents 11 scripts 276 downloadsdfdr - Automatic Differentiation of Simple Functions
Implementation of automatically computing derivatives of functions (see Mailund Thomas (2017) <doi:10.1007/978-1-4842-2881-4>). Moreover, calculating gradients, Hessian and Jacobian matrices is possible.
Last updated 19 days ago
5.27 score 7 stars 2 dependents 11 scripts 270 downloadsparopt - Parameter Optimizing of ODE-Systems
Enable optimization of parameters of ordinary differential equations. Therefore, using 'SUNDIALS' to solve the ODE-System (see Hindmarsh, Alan C., Peter N. Brown, Keith E. Grant, Steven L. Lee, Radu Serban, Dan E. Shumaker, and Carol S. Woodward. (2005) <doi:10.1145/1089014.1089020>). Furthermore, for optimization the particle swarm algorithm is used (see: Akman, Devin, Olcay Akman, and Elsa Schaefer. (2018) <doi:10.1155/2018/9160793> and Sengupta, Saptarshi, Sanchita Basak, and Richard Peters. (2018) <doi:10.3390/make1010010>).
Last updated 8 months ago
4.26 score 3 stars 12 scripts 250 downloads